Review on TED-Ed

TED-Ed: TED-Ed is TED's youth and education initiative. TED-Ed’s mission is to spark and celebrate the ideas of teachers and students around the world. TED-Ed is producing a growing library of original animated videos to provide an international platform for teachers to create their own interactive lessons, and to helping curious students around the globe to gain presentation literacy skills. Teachers can create their own lesson using any videos that are available in YouTube. Teacher can create new videos to create their own lesson. The education platform TED-Ed has grown from an idea that serves millions of teachers and students around the world every week. Both teachers and student can use TED-Ed to teach and learn.

TED-Ed is a very user friendly educational platform where teachers and students can easily understand how to use it. It is easily accessible and has a very intuitive user experience design. To use TED-Ed one must open a TED-Ed account using their email address or they can log in with their Facebook account. TED-Ed is free for the users. TED-Ed is an innovative and inspiring learning and teaching platform for both students and teacher. TED-Ed clubs teaches student how to present their ideas in a formal TED-Ed platform.

TED-Ed contains a shifting mood from teacher to student or student to teacher. Users have to go to the “setting” option to change the user setting. To create a lesson user, have to shift in “I am: Teacher”. Then, the teacher has to click on “Create a Lesson” and copy-paste the desired video URL from YouTube to create a customized lesson. The video will be automatically added in the lesson. And then teachers have to make exercises for the learners regarding the video. Here come some steps for students to follow. Such as_

i.                    Watch
ii.                  Think
iii.                Dig Deeper
iv.                Discuss

There are “Edit Lesson”, “Review Student Work”, and “Share Lesson” option as well. The “Watch” section gives the opportunity to learners to watch the selected video and have some background information about the lesson.

The exercise making starts with the option “Let’s Begin”, which required an introduction about the lesson. In the “Think” section students will get the opportunity to solve exercises provided by the lesson creator. This section contains two types of exercise, one is “Multiple Choice Question” and another one is “Open Answer Question”. Students get chance to answer all those questions and save their answer to evaluate their own performance. 

Third in the “Dig Deeper” section teacher will provide more relevant information about the lesson. Also, teacher can add more lessons related video link for the interested students, so that they can to explore more to gain knowledge.

And finally, in the “Discuss” section teacher can provide rapid questions for the students. “Discuss” section contains a “Discussion Title” which is mandatory and an “Explanation” which is optional.

There is also a “Conclusion” part in which teacher will provide some closing thoughts for the lesson. Thus, the lesson comes to an end with lots of new knowledge achieved by the learners.

    TED-Ed provides “Series”, “Clubs”, “Patrons”, “Shop” and “Nominate” section with more option along with “Lesson” to explore. TED-Ed is such a hassle free, well structured, well instructed education platform that is very easy to use. The given instruction is easy to follow even for the new users. Learning with videos is fun that keeps the learners very interested in their learning. Again, it is very much user friendly. As lesson creator can take videos from YouTube, he can select so many related video links for his/her students. TED-Ed also gives the opportunity to change the video and crop the video. If the lesson creator found the video unsuitable he/she can change the video any time he wants. Teacher can preview the lesson before he published the lesson. TED-Ed provides practices on listening, speaking, reading and writing. This platform shows how to use video materials for lesson planning. Again, the platform is ad free, thus unwanted breakdowns of concentration happen less.

            Though TED-Ed is highly user-friendly education platform, but it has very few limitations too. Anyone around the globe can make lesson in TED-Ed, thus its quality is questionable. On the other hand, it does not work in offline. However, who doesn’t have the internet facility will not get access in TED-Ed. The instruction should be more organized so that new users can find it easy to explore. However, with very few limitations TED-Ed is doing a great job in the field of teaching and learning through technology. It helps in different ways to learn and teach with no cost. TED-Ed provides an easy instruction to follow and achieve learning and teaching goals.


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