Review on WebQuest

WebQuest: WebQuest is a constructive lesson format that is wrapped around some doable and different interesting tasks. A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web. These can be created using various programs, including a simple word processing document that includes links to websites. It develops higher level of thinking. The model was developed by Bernie Dodge at San Diego State University in February, 1995. 

Essentially, WebQuests are mini-projects in which a large percentage of the input and material is supplied by the Internet. WebQuests can be teacher-made or learner-made, depending on the learning activity the teacher decides on.

WebQuest gives the opportunity to take Internet into the language classroom, on both short-time and long-time basis. It does not require any special or technical knowledge to produce or use them. Learners can do group activities in WebQuest, and as a result they can communicate and share knowledge with each other. WebQuest can be used as a linguistic tool. WebQuest encourage critical thinking skills, including:

                                        Analyzing errors
                                        Analyzing, etc.

To create a WebQuest one can open an account in using their email address. The registered user can login to the account using their email address and password. Learners can “Browse” for different topic to learn as well. WebQuest offers a “WebQuest Menu” that shows wide range of learning area.

A WebQuest is different from any other internet based educational platform by some characteristics. It is classroom-based and emphasizes higher-order thinking rather than just acquiring information. The teacher preselects the sources and emphasizes information use rather than information gathering. Technologically creating a WebQuest is very simple. WebQuest requires higher level thinking, not simply summarizing. This includes synthesis, analysis, problem-solving, creativity and judgement. A WebQuest that is not based on real resources from the web is probably just a traditional lesson. Books and other media can be used within a WebQuest but if the web is not at the heart of the lesson, it is not a WebQuest. 

A WebQuest has 6 crucial section. These are _

1.    Introduction
2.    Task
3.    Process
4.    Resources
5.    Evaluation
6.    Conclusion

WebQuest has a “Welcome” section as well. This section provides information about the topic, grade level, curriculum, keywords, and author.

1. Introduction: The Introduction section is normally used to introduce the overall theme of the WebQuest. It gives the background information about the topic. Author can add detailed information, definition, or description in this part.

2. Task: The Task section of the WebQuest explains precisely what the learners will have to do through the WebQuest. The Task is the formal description of what the students will produce in the WebQuest. The Task should be highly motivating, meaningful and fun so that students will not lose their interest about WebQuest. Creating a task is the most creative and difficult part of developing a WebQuest.

3. Process: The Process section of the WebQuest is about the steps that students should take to accomplish the task. In this section the teacher guides the students to solve different given tasks. The Process stage guides the learners through a set of activities and research tasks, using a set of predefined resources. The resources are predominately web-based and website’s links, documents, videos, Microsoft Power-point slides can be added in a clickable form.

4. Resources: The resources are the materials that students should use. This helps the students to process information. Instructor or students may search for more online resources separately but it is good to incorporate them as links within the process section. Off-line resources like visiting lectures and power-point slides can contribute greatly to the interest of the students. 

5. Evaluation: In Evaluation section student’s performance will be evaluated. Learners can evaluate, contrast, and compare their performance with other learners and they can give feedback on what they have learnt. Teacher can evaluate learners’ performance as well.

6. Conclusion: Conclusion is about the ending discussion about the possible extension of the WebQuest.

WebQuest can be very useful tool in language classroom. It can be a versatile tool for teaching students. They can be used to introduce new knowledge or to allow students to test hypothesis. The use of computer and technology also increases students’ knowledge about technology. However, WebQuest can be a motivating and interesting task encouraging learners to accomplish the task with the feelings of doing something real and useful. Thus, WebQuest is a very helpful educational platform that provides web-based information to encourage critical thinking skills.


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