Review on Edmodo
Edmodo: Edmodo is a global education network that helps connect all learners with the people and resources to reach their full potential. Edmodo is an educational technology company offering a communication, collaboration, and coaching platform to K-12 schools and teachers. Teacher can share content, quizzes, assignments and can communicate with students and parents through Edmodo. Edmodo is mostly a teacher-centric educational platform. Parents and students can join Edmodo by using the invitation code sent by the respective teacher. Edmodo connects learners with people and resources to reach their full potential. Edmodo was founded by Nic Borg, Jeff O’Hara, and Crystal Hutter in 2008. Currently it has 87.4 million users around the globe. It is a different kind of social learning network for encouraging collaboration and sharing in the classroom. User can create account in Edmodo for free in three different kinds_ 1. As Teacher 2. ...